Inert Gas Design
(XHTML Attributes)


There are only a few attributes that can be applied to XHTML tags. They are grouped together into four (4) collections:

Collection Name

Attributes in Collection


class, id, title




onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup


(Common is a grouping of all the attributes in Core, I18N, and Events)

All attributes are used in the form of: attribute="value". Attribute names are all lowercase. For example: xml:lang="en".

The core collection attributes id and class can be referenced in style sheets and scripts, title can be used to assign a title to a section of code.

I18N (Internationalisation) uses the xml:lang attribute to specify that the section of the document inclosed in the tag using it is the specified language. The tag is required on the body tag, and will be inherited by all other tags, but any child sections of the document can be represented in a different language.

Events are used in scripting, which is outside of the scope of this document.

Most tags in XHTML make use of the Common set of attributes.


Valid XHTML 1.1!
Valid CSS!